We got em!!!!!!!!!!
Wow.. What a day it was. I am getting off the bus when i get a text from a friend (Big Joe). He is telling me that our beloved Jets got Bart Scott. Im ecstatic. I walk into work with a certain swagger today, like i fucking run shit (i clearly dont). I tell Eric. He then finds the link. Thanks nationalfootballpost.com next time i need information on a signing, I will be sure never to visit your site. We are both pumped, and are looking on yoonew.com for 2010 Super Bowl tickets.
Fast forward 4 hours. I am reading my favorite Jets message board Jetnation.com, and i see people posting that we dont have him, ant the Ravens have offered more money then we did. I am thinkin to myself "well, i expected this, i am a jets fan". Whatever, im still pissed. As im leaving work, I hear Bart Scott is a plane back to Baltimore. I get on the bus pissssssssssssssssssed.
I get home, I get a call from Mikey Fells and he tells me, "Bart Scott baby". I go "we signed him?" He tells me yes, and i am excited. I turn on my newly acquired NFL Network (thanks FioS), and see Bart Scott 6years/48 million bones. So currently, if you are asking what im doing, my answer is "Walking around like I run shit."
PS. Jets are pursuing Corey Ivy, and expect Jim Leohnard to sign tomorrow, and trade for Lito Sheppard
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