Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I would normally leave a baseball blog to one of our baseball experts here at efyousports, but no one likes baseball.

Tomorrow night, the Yankees kick off their title defense in what is sure to be a snoozefest of a baseball playoff series. The Twins blow, and the Yankees should steamroll them. Look for ARod to be the playoff hero like he was last year, and the Yanks to win in 4. Without Morneau, the Twins stand no chance of winning. They dont have Kent Hrbek, and Kirby Puckett anymore. They start Carl Pavano, and some other scrubs. CC, Yankee Doodle Andy, and Phil Hughes should take 3 fuckin shits on them, and win in 4. Only loss will come in the Pettitte start when the bullpen blows it.

I will see you bitches for my ALCS blog.

Go Yanks, I guess.

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