Sunday, April 4, 2010


So we didnt make the Final Four in Danny Boys pool. You know who did? JJ Redicks alma mater.... The Dukiessssssssssss Baby. I mean, I knew it was going to happen. They are the best major conference team in the nation. Duke has a storied tradition of just winning. I'm down with that.

The coach is a flat out winner. I would love Coach K to coach all of my kids. I would just know that my kids would be all around great people. Probably excelling in all sports. I dont understand why everyone hates him? He wins with grace, he wins with class, and he wins by scoring more points then the opposing team. For christ sake, the dude coached Team usa to an olympic gold medal.

Butlers coach is kinda cool if you're a fuckin loser. I mean he is 33 years old, and looks like he is 11. I bet he went to Harvard, scored a 1601 on his SAT, and dated straight models as a teenager. Chill out bro, you're 33 let some older guys make it rain like you. You're a "mid major" and your just wiping the floor with these major schools. Respek though.

It's a win/win for me. If my Dukies win, ppl know I always root for them. If Butler wins, a "mid major" wins and we can shove it in the Big Leasts face.

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