Ode to you smelly man. I take the subway home from work everyday. The subway in itself is bad enough, it smells like piss, it's crowded, and everyone on it just wants to get off ASAP and get home. So last night I get on the 6 train, and low and behold there is a smelly man on it....if you've never been on the subway trust me when I say this: YOU WILL KNOW when there is a smelly man on your train. So smells gets off one or two stops after I get on (thank god), and I'm basically forced into his spot on the train because of how crowded it is. So next stop a new guy gets on the train and is forced near me, and of course the stench is lingering so now...this new guy thinks that I'M smelly man! And it's so god damn obvious too, they look away, give a quick sniff, then try and turn their bodies so as to make others believe that it's not him but ME. Mother fucker. I hate you smelly man. Take a shower. Buy some fucking deodorant. I'm finished.
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