So this entry might be the gheyest one ever. Sorry in advance, but you really will be fascinated at the end, you might even say "Wow Brian, you're right". Its not like i havent heard this before, but it never gets old.
This entry, I am recomending a book for ya'll to read.
I am a devoet supporter of the New York Jets, and they have broken my heart in more places then i can deal with. The weird thing is, I get bigger and stronger as the years pass. This past year i went to Tennessee, and next year I have Nawleans, and Indianapolis planned already. Eric has chosen to take part in both of those trips as well, as Tennessee was fun for him. Sadly, it was the last time he had a good time anywhere. Ok, back to the point of this blog. I am in the midst of reading a book by Nick Hornby, titled "Fever Pitch". Hornby is a die hard Arsenal fan, for all you sports fans, it is my understanding that Arsenal is a team in Europe that plays Soccer. Soccer is a boring game, and almost not even considered a sport, but in Europe its big. (sorry for that corny joke.) He, like Myself and Eric, Eat, Breathe, and Sleep our teams. Its amazing, sad, and heartfelt all at the same time. The book shows how he is a die hard fan, and explains all the trials and tribulations he had to go through as a fan. It makes me feel better about being a Jets fan, and I know there are other crazies out there. Its awesome. Im not going to go into full detail with this, but i recommend it highly. Eric will be reading it after i am done with it.
PS. Thanks to Jamie J for buying the book for me, and almost understanding that i'm not normal when it comes to sports and reality.
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