So the nerd in Eric and I will lead to many blogs. As some of you know working at 5 Penn Plaza has some cool perks. 1 being right outside MSG. So as im going to the devils game tonite, i wanted to get my train ticket early. We walk over and who do we see? None other then Sam Rosen. I am not a Rangers fan, but couldnt resist the convo. Eric and I asked him a few questions, and he couldnt have been a nicer guy (This is the second time we saw him in 2 weeks). He loves us probably.
On the way out from getting the ticket we see Alexander "The Great" Ovechkin , we didnt say anything to him. Wow, i sound like such a fanboy.. Im usually not this big of a loser, but when you're bored at work, these things make the day pass.
Cheers to you Sam Rosen, thanks for being a cool dude.
PS. Sam, if you ever see this, we arent stalkers.
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