Damn. Now I have to see this little bitch at the combine? Wont he go away?? He has changed his throwing motion, he is going to be a qb in the NFL, he is going to bring fan support all over, blah blah blah. STFU Tim Tebow is a fuckin bitch. He played at Florida and they ran the spread offense. That's like me going to the Rec center and playing basketball with kids my age. Of course I am going to fuckin go beast mode on them. I am way better then them, and Florida had better athletes then most schools. Put him in the NFL, and he will be a zero. He will be worse then a zero.
Also, WTF are these athletes at the combine wearing? This aint dancing with the stars. No NFL fan wants to see these mamouth animals in skin tight under armour clothing. Like, when Mt. Cody runs his 40, I am sure dudes dick is going to be hitting the floor. That will slow that man down. Sad part is, he couldnt probably beat me in the 40. FUCK, I am out of shape.
At the end of this blog, I began to realize Timmy T isnt as bad as I make him out to be. Its Urban Meyer who I hate the most. I am not wishing Tebow success in the NFL, but he kind of reminds me of myself a little bit. All the talent in the world, just needs a chance. Like this blog for instance. Have you read a better blog in the last 45 seconds? No. My blog is awesome. So maybe Tim Tebow can win one for the gippur over here. Whadya say bitch?
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