Last year, Anthony Nunziato hooked it up. He brought us to the draft and we had a phenominal time. As the day approached I was nervous to who the Jets were going to draft. We drafted $anchez, and look what happened. AFC CHAMPIONSHIP BITCHES. Im not going to sit here and act like I expected it, but im effin happy as hell.
This year is different. Draft day is approaching with the NFL Combine only a week away. I want Kyle Wilson. You hear that Mikey Tanns? KYLE FUCKIN WILSON. Dude is beast mode out of Boise State, and would be a monster in our Secondary. So before all the Combine hype, you heard it here first. Kyle Wilson.
Next year the Jets are going to be INSANE. Like, the NFL might put them on every Monday night, because all they want is the Jets. Roger Goodell might contact Woody and ask him for permission to rename the NFL the REX. No more National Football League, we are going to start referring to it simply as, REX. 100 percent Rex Ryan gets his dick wet 1000x more then anyone reading this blog. Its sad. He is 450 pounds of solid awesomeness, but just because he curses, and beats up QB's he gets that elusive super model pussy? WTF??? Everyone tells me that I am funny, hot, and awesome. I just cant seem to do what Rex does. I need a public forum so people can see how awesome I am. End Rant
J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets. All day, er'yday next year. We bringing part of Smurf Turf to our Turf. Kyle Wilson in 2010.
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