Last Sunday, I went to my fav. place to watch football games on television. North Brunswick Pub and Grill on Route 1. Let me say that I would NEVER watch a Jets game there. I only watch those games live in person, or at a friends house that passes the Jets test. Real fans know what that means. Onto to the point of the blog though.
A few months ago, I wrote a blog about one Jamie J (Jeans pictured above). In that blog, I mentioned that she was a curse to all of my sports teams yadda, yadda, yadda. At that time, we were not really talking all that much, so it was easy for me to blame something on her such as this. Truth is, we dated for a few weeks way back when and all my teams slumped when I was with her. I told her it was her fault, but looking back, it really wasnt. My teams just fucking sucked dick.
Hofstra Basketball had its best years when we were together. So I cant really blame her for that one.
New York Yankees, nough said. I apologize to all men across the country for liking baseball. WTF was with me back then? Baseball is a sport for women. I should be kissing Jamie's feet for gettin me out of baseball. (She didnt really get me out of baseball, but I saw what a herb I was back then)
New York Jets. Wow I love the Jets. They had some years with a few wins here and there but for the most part they never pieced it together. Last year, they hired Rex Ryan as hashem errr I mean coach. Since then, they have made it to the AFC Championship every single year. Is that good? NBD. **I took Jamie to her first Jets game ever. They lost. Victor Hobson returned a fumble to the 1 fuckin yard line and they couldnt score. Thats where some of that hate comes from in regards to my fave. teams**
Recently, Jamie has lifted her hate ban on me and we have talked a few times. At first, I was very hesitant moving foward with this, but she insisted. Now, the Jets are in first fuckin place, and just ballin' all year long.
I write this blog because at The Pub last week, Jamie mentioned the past blog. So I guess i owed her an apology. Here ya go Jamie. Baby steps
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