All of a sudden Lebron is back in the media. This time, people are playing the race card. Can people please just leave the dude alone. He is easily the best player to ever play the game, and people are just hating on him like no other. Hop the fuck off. The Durantula is a close 2nd. I actually founded him well before him being a Longhorn. Thats neither here nor there though. Back to the moral of the story. All press is good press. And all the haters like the shameful city of Cleveland will see what they had done. CREATED A MONSTER. Lebron is going to go all Marshawn Lynch on you this season, AKA Beastmode. The Heat will win all 72 games, and then go undefeated in the playoffs. My only regret this NBA offseason was that JJ Redick, or Birdman didnt sign with either OKC, or the Heat.
I hate all these white people who think just because Lebron isnt one of you that he is playing the race card. The dude made a choice, and he wantd to raise money for the children. Gosh, is that so hard to believe? Lebron said he would take the heat all over again if it meant raising another 3 millie for the kids. I dont see others doing that. So instead of bashing this man, lets say what he really is, a fuckin AMERiCAN HERO.