Before you start calling me gay and shit for even having twitter, I want to let you all know that it is used for keeping tabs on various sports figures (such as Eddy Curry) and getting the latest news on what's poppin in sports.
So, San Diego Chargers linebacker Shawn "Lights Out" Merriman has engaged in a verbal "tweet" battle with Kim Kardashian's (Reggie Bush's beat piece) brother Rob Kardashian. The drama escalated over reality TV star and celebrity tweeter Tila Tequila, and a three way Twitter love triangle is born!
For all you non-twitter fans, you'll see that it's been translated somewhat so that you're able to follow.

Rob to Shawn:@shawnemerriman Stop messin with my girl @officialTila! I really did NOT want to twitter blast you like this but damn... hold off my girl!So, there you have it folks. When Lights Out isn't taking HGH in the ass, or working hard in training this off-season, he's busy taking jabs at siblings of D-List celebrities. I'm sorry for turning this into Perez Hilton folks, I'm just still bitter this juiced up fuckface totally served up my fantasy squad last season.
Shawn to Rob:@RobKardashian you about to see my LightsOut dance up close and personal
Rob to Shawn: I will have @ShaunPhillips95 tackle @shawnemerriman then I will sit on you @officialTila! Just tell @shawnemerriman to back off before I do!
Rob to Tila:@officialTila Baby you don't need to be scared no more... I will take care of that big monster @shawnemerriman
Rob to Tila:Maybe you shud tell your "baby" @shawnemerrimen about @souljaboytellem and me @RobKardashian! You have been tryin to get with us for ages!!!
Tila Twitters on the situation::I think little boys like @RobKardashian need to fall the !!@@ back off me! Quit tryna holla at me on twitter....#notagoodlook rob! =P
#notagoodlook @robkardashian tryin 2 holla at me, then failed, so now he's upset and getting emotional on twitter....smh
See? That is why I dont !!@@ with LITTLE BOYS like @RobKardashian he wants me, can't have me, so they act like a baby. GROW SOME BALLS ROB!
@RobKardashian is that a bribe to get me to hang out with you? Im not into anything that has to do with "balls."
Actually I change my mind.please do not try to holla at me unless you are at least 30 years or older. I like GENTLEMEN WHO HAVE EXPERIENCE!
ok....look at all these lil boys twitter fighting over me....#notagoodlook....Im OUT SON! Gotta go make that $$$$ honey! Lataz
Peace out haters.
-Jumpoff J
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