Jumpoff J, Easy E, and myself are brainstorming hardcore. We are compiling our brackets for the Annual DannyBoys pool. This is a tough pool, but the winner is rewarded nicely. Ya gotta be in it to win it. We will be blogging throughout, and throwing up our numbers when they are good and ready to go. In this pool, you only pick the Final 4, none of that other garbage. We have until Friday March 20th, at 4PM, so we get a little extra time, since only the Final 4 matters. Anyone wanna get down on our group? Leave a comment, and let us know.
Last year, there were 150,000 entries, some from as far away as California. The pot reached 400k. In 1977, the pool's first year, there were fewer than 100 bettors trying to win about $1,000. This pool has come a looooong way.
Hey James, remember when i asked you to enter?
If we are alive Final 4 weekend, I can promise you this. WE'RE GONNA BE JUMPINNNNNNN'
Happy Bracketing
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