It all makes sense now though. Rex Ryan is trying to leave his wife, and fuck models this summer. Why else would he get lap band surgery? The dude is going to look like Brad Fucking Pitt this summer. HBO will ask Rex to appear on Real Sex after Hard Knocks. Maybe even send him to the Cathouse to beat the shit outta that bitch Dennis, and take the place over. We traded Hollywood Kerry Rhodes due to Hard Knocks. If you tell me otherwise, your a homo. Rex couldnt have a player steal his thunder. Rex wants to be the one banging all summer. With Kerry on the team, he might have been in competition with Rex. I can now see Rex ending practice early cause he has Lisa Ann, or Eva Angelina in his dorm room. Joslyn James will now be blowing the whistle at practices. It's going to be insane this summer.
We get to hear Steve Sabol all summer long. Oh what's that rookie? You dont like carrying the gatorade cooler out to practice? STFU. Do as Bart says.
My prediction for the Jets this season? 24-0. 4-0 preseason. 16-0 Regular season. 3-0 Playoffs, and the Jets will be the AFC pro bowl roster, and fucking win.