So in about 27 hours from now, we will be packing up the van and heading down to New Orleans. The bloggers will be taking a much needed vacay. Easy E has been on this vacay for a few months now, but thats just cause he is a moron, and doesnt read and write well.
This trip has been a long time coming. We have had the countdown going for over 150 days, and it's finally here. John, Me, Eric, H-Bizzle, Chris, Nunz, Joe, Edwin, and Lauren will be riding high, and taking part in complete debauchery.
We will post some pictures I am sure, and if all goes to plan, we will all come back to this great ol' state of New York alive.
Also, if you didnt already know, we are going to be at the New York Jets vs. New Orleans Marques Colstons game on Sunday.. CANT WAITT 3-0 vs. 3-0.